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Helping our scholars to reach their full potential

Philanthropic scholarships support more than 200 talented students annually at LSE. We are committed to providing a supportive, inclusive and nurturing education environment that enables them to thrive.

In March, our scholarship recipients gathered for a networking event where they were able to meet other scholars from across LSE, forge new connections and learn about the support the LSE community provides.

Scholars heard from LSE Life – an on-campus resource offering advice, workshops and events to help students develop skills that will prepare them academically, personally and professionally for life at the School and beyond. With exams approaching, a representative from the LSE Library also spoke to them to explain the various resources available to help students revise, including past LSE exam papers.

Students talking at the Scholars Coffee Afternoon

I found the event incredibly useful. I learned about the many resources LSE has to offer, from the Careers service to specific Library resources. I was also introduced to other scholars coming from all walks of life.

Krish Persaud, BSc Philosophy, Politics and Economics student and New Futures Fund scholar

It was great to meet other scholars and listen to their inspiring stories! I'm very grateful to LSE for putting on this event. I learned more about the resources available at LSE and also had a great time exchanging ideas with fellow scholarship recipients. Part of what I love about LSE is the people, so getting to connect with so many other fascinating students was truly a highlight of this semester.

Tina Huang, MSc International Health Policy student and American Friends of LSE scholar

The Scholar Coffee Afternoon was a fantastic opportunity to interreact with fellow scholars in a friendly environment and hear about the plethora of opportunities LSE has to offer. It was a joy to share the sentiment of gratitude we, as scholarship recipients, have for our donors. I look forward to attending future events!

Lucia Ilie, BSc International Social and Public Policy and Economics and Pass the Torch scholar