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Investing in the greatest minds

As the world continues to face challenges that threaten the environment, health policies, global equality and collective prosperity, at LSE we are more committed than ever to our role of educating and training the people who have the greatest potential to create positive change. Our brilliant young scholars Aryan, Emily and Tarek share their stories in the video below, demonstrating the power of a scholarship not only to change the life of an individual, but also to shape the world for good.  

With your support, together, we can invest in the greatest minds who will go on to serve society and shape the world for good.

LSE’s changemakers and future leaders have the fierce intellects, curious minds and burning desire to maximise their impact on global societies, but increasingly require financial support to pursue their education. This academic year alone, 397 students have received a philanthropically-funded scholarship that enabled them to accept their place at LSE.

But for every scholarship granted, there are many more brilliant students we cannot support. Demand for scholarships is continuing to increase, with many families in the UK and around the world facing ongoing turbulence caused by the pandemic, war, increases in the cost-of-living and rising inequality.

We are incredibly grateful to all alumni and friends who choose to support the Scholarship Fund, which enables talented students to realise their potential for the benefit of us all. Gifts will directly support more students like Aryan, Emily and Tarek to join the LSE community, in turn creating a lasting legacy of future world leaders, innovators and those that will serve communities, countries and the world at large.

From all at LSE, thank you in advance for the consideration you give to supporting scholarships at LSE.

Donate today to our Scholarship Fund