Data Science Fund
Solutions to the biggest global problems will come from combining the knowledge of natural and social sciences. We are creating a bold new programme of research that embeds data science across LSE.
Shaping the world?
Our Data Science Institute brings together experts from across LSE, and visitors from partner institutions and industry, to work on data focused research across a range of global challenges facing the world. These include healthcare and social policy, ethics and artificial intelligence, climate change and the environment, digital societies, finance economics and markets.
Join in
You can help to realise the potential of combining data science with social sciences and emerging technology. In contributing to our Data Science Impact Fund, you will fund the teams, research and equipment needed to pioneer new solutions to the world’s biggest challenges.
The DSI aims to bring data science methods to bear on social and economic challenges in a sound, social and scientific way. Providing this focal point for multi-disciplinary collaboration in social data science is integral to realising the ambitions of LSE 2030.
Supporting student opportunities through the LSESU Data Science Weekend
This hybrid event was open to all university students in the UK, with participants taking part in a range of workshops and challenges organised by the LSESU Data Science Society and industry partners.