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Removing financial barriers through the Scholarship Fund

Since the foundation of the New Future Fund Scholarships in October 2002, donations of all sizes have collectively provided life-changing financial aid to a total of 227 students.

These scholarships are solely funded by donations to our Scholarship Fund. We are incredibly grateful hundreds of alumni and friends who generously support this fund each year.

One of this year's New Future Fund Scholars, Peter Orna Venegas, a first-year undergraduate studying economics, describes the impact receiving a scholarship has had on him and how it has transformed his life.

Words can’t describe how much receiving a New Future Fund Scholarship means to me. It really is immeasurable.

I come from Hackney, one of the most impoverished areas in London, and while I am proud of where I grew up, the reality of my situation meant that pursuing a university education would have been an impossible financial barrier for me and my family.

Not only has the scholarship removed this financial barrier and allowed me to take up my place at LSE, it has also given me the confidence to succeed here and beyond. In offering scholarships, I feel like the School and its donors really recognise that not everyone starts on level ground, and they are actively trying to tackle this problem. Knowing my scholarship is funded by hundreds of donors means so much to me. 

To all the donors to the Scholarship Fund, you have impacted mine and many other lives through your generosity, and I know your investment in each one of us will pay off. In the future I hope to be able to give back as much as I can to LSE for giving me such an amazing opportunity.

Peter Orna Venegas, current New Futures Fund Scholar (BSc Economics student)
Support our Scholarship Fund