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About our Shaping the World Campaign

Building on the success of our Campaign to date, we seek to shape LSE into the 21st century version of what it has always been: a leader for the world in understanding the most important problems and how to solve them.

The social sciences have always been essential to progress.

Inventions and cures, however brilliant, are not enough on their own: to be effective, they need to be deployed—and that is always a matter of social and political policy.

Economic, legal and political reforms have led to unprecedented progress too: a global decrease in extreme poverty, an unparalleled expansion of democracy across the globe, new rights that promote equality and opportunities for historically subjugated groups, the dismantling of institutions of suppression and control.

On the face of it, humanity has never had it so good.

And yet…

We are living in post-truth times dominated by polarisation, where citizens see one another as enemies, and authoritarians capitalise on fear for their own benefit.

Our trust in governments and markets to provide and supply what societies need to live and to thrive, has eroded.

Two millennia of extracting our planet’s gifts without limits has caught up with us.

People historically oppressed, marginalised and discriminated against have had enough, while others who take for granted their own wealth, health and freedom feel threatened by a more equal world.

And the technological advancements that can inform, inspire and unite humanity can also increase disinformation, intimidation and division, supplant human labour, and exacerbate wealth inequality.

We are living in a world in flux, at a decisive moment for humankind and our planet. But there is still hope, and it is our time to act. LSE’s focus on social science—broad but anchored in the kind of thinking and analysis that goes into policy making—and our convening power to bring the world together from our home in London, the global capital of the world, make us unique and a unique place from which solutions can be developed and disseminated for the betterment of society.

Professor Larry Kramer, LSE President and Vice Chancellor

Building on the success of our Shaping the World Campaign to date, we will seek not so much to transform LSE into something different, as to build it into the 21st century version of what it has always been: a leader for the world in understanding the most important problems and how to solve them.

In doing so, we will firmly place LSE at the forefront of addressing what we believe to be the five most important global challenges:

With the largest number of social scientists in one single location anywhere in the world, no university is better positioned to lead and deliver impact on all of this than LSE.

We will create an environment for students, faculty and our partners to come together to work and collaborate on these challenges.

We will ensure that there are effective ways for our research to be projected into the world, shaping policy and improving lives.

We will ensure that the most talented students can access an LSE education and use it to join the ranks of our brilliant 225,000-strong global alumni community shaping societies around the world.

Will you partner with us in our continued journey to shape our world?

How do we engage everyone in shaping democracy?
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Political economy
Will you help us to rethink the relationship between government, markets and society, to make our economies work better for everyone?
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How do we create a sustainable future for our world?
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New technologies
How can we harness the advent of AI and new technologies to accelerate the route to a better world for all?
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We want to turn social exclusion on its head and shape a world of systemic inclusion. Are you in?
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Will you partner with us to find practical, real-world solutions to difficult problems?
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Shape ideas for impact

Discover more about the global challenges we're focusing on together.

Shape transformative learning

Can you support students to be the leaders of tomorrow? 

Shape our community

Help create a collaborative, ambitious context for students, faculty and partners. 

Join us in Shaping the World
We want to shape the world at a time of extraordinary change and challenges, to provide solutions, learning, and public engagement that is impactful and life changing.